Monday, February 28, 2011


I'm here in Seattle with Lauren, enjoying a little vacation before everything goes crazy when I get home. There I need to prepare my demo reel, work on a few video projects (non-music related) and make as much money as possible to prepare for the move. While I'm here one of Lauren's friends is doing a school project where they needed to make a one-minute video about how media and electronics effects people's lives. He asked me to help. We came up with this little comedy about how college kids never open books anymore, even if the answer to their question is sitting right there. I have all my music gear here, so I'll be able to write him a custom score to go with it. I'm excited to have something to work on while I'm here and this should be a fun little story to put music too. I should have the finished video up sometime this week, so keep your eyes peeled!

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