Saturday, February 5, 2011

Day 26: The Guys

Lauren and I were woken up by our cleaning lady earlier than we wanted so we started things early. We went to the grocery store to get food for the weekend, and then headed in to the studio. Lauren got to meet everyone there which was really cool. I'm glad she gets to see in person the people I'm working with. On our way in there were all these trucks across the street that looked like they were unloading film gear. When we got inside and I asked Dave what was happening, he said it was an episode of CSI filming. He said they come in everyone once and a while and film part of an episode across the street, so that was pretty unexpected and wild. Brandon and Dave were working on next weeks episode when we got there. It's the same episode I'm working on, so I got to hear what Mike was doing for the same cues I am. I didn't cheat, I promise. I only listened to the ones I already wrote, but it was good to see them mixing again, because thats what I need to learn about the most is the mix. So we all hung out and talked and then went to lunch. Brandon drove us all to the In and Out Burger, which had the best burger I've ever eaten. While we were there, we talked about how I'm writing the entire episode's worth of music. I asked why I wasn't supposed to, and Brandon explained that it's not that I'm not supposed to, but that when Mike gave other Pete Carpenters just 3 or 4 cues to do, they really struggled and that me and the other 3 most successful winners were the only ones who did it with this much ease. It's so good to hear that kind of encouragement and kind words.We came back and hung in the studio for a couple more hours. Mike was supposed to come in today but didn't show, so unfortunately she didn't meet him, but we had such a good time with the guys. Soon we left and had dinner and a nice quiet night in.

Later on we went back to the studio so I could write my last cues, but when we arrived, Brandon and Dave were still there. It turns out that while we were gone they had a massive computer failure. The computer was going back to its old ways so they decided to update their software, and that made it so that Logic can no longer connect to all the virtual instruments on the network. The real bad news is that their episode is due tomorrow and they still have 2 cues to finish themselves, so I really hope they get it fixed without too many headaches. Brandon was really nice though and told me that it's good news for me because that means more time with Lauren. We came back and watched some TV and are going to bed early, because tomorrow we are treating ourselves to the whole day in Disneyland! So stay tuned for some pictures from that, and I am in the process of compiling the cues I've written for my episodes so far and I will be sure to post them once I'm finished.

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