Monday, March 4, 2013

Hollywood and High School

Sorry for the lack in posts! This is the last month in my current apartment, so I'm busy making all the necessary moving arrangements. A couple things did happen recently though, that I'd love to share with you.

Last week, I had an opportunity to speak to my old high school's Music Technology class through Skype. I still keep in touch with my band teacher, as he is such a huge influence and source of support. Any time I can give back a little to the person and the school that helped me get to where I am, I'm all in. He asked me if I could Skype in one morning to talk about my journey so far and my process. As it's a music technology class, I was able to share my screen and show them the software and virtual instruments I was using, and talk a little bit about my process. It was so great to speak with the class and answer their questions. I hope to do it again soon because I had a blast. Doing a Skype interview of sorts worked out very well, and I hope that it inspired a few of them to pursue music as a career. It was such a great experience and I will treasure the memory.

You may also remember a month or two ago, I wrote about about the opportunity I had to write the intro music for a theater chain in Pennsylvania called Hollywood Theaters. The final animation came out and is now in theaters, and I was given permission to post the video on the blog to show all of you. I'm so happy with how it turned out and very grateful for all the exposure this will have. I hope you enjoy the video, and if you ever find yourself near Philadelphia, stop into a Hollywood Theater, and you will hear my music!

HollywoodTheater from Brenton Costa on Vimeo.

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